Kestrel Closet Door Order Form  

Please fill in as much of the form as possible.
Any fields marked "required" need to be filled in for the order form to be processed.

Just so you know...We do not give, rent or sell any information!

Or you can call us at 1-800-494-4321. 

How did you find out about our site? Please name the Search Engine, Web site, magazine...
Name: required
Firm: required
Type of Business: required
Complete E-mail: required- Example ""
Please retype your E-mail: required This will help eliminate typographical errors so that we can make sure that you receive your order confirmation.
Address: required
City: required
State / Province: required
Zip / Postal code: required
Phone: required

May we email you about new products and upcoming specials?
       Yes Please (HTML format)        Yes Please (Text format)        No, Thank you

What species of solid Hardwood would you like these made from?  required

Basswood STANDARD (Interior use only)
Spanish Cedar (Interior and Exterior use)
Honduran Mahogany (Interior and Exterior use)

If "Other" please specify material and final use.  

What thickness of closet doors would you like?  required

1.1/4" STANDARD 

If "Other" please specify thickness and final use.  

Did you remember to fill in all of the fields marked " required" ?

Ship to name and address if different than above:



To see some different configurations of doors and shutters click here!

For bi-fold doors please enter the width of the individual door and and NOT the bi-fold width.
Example:  A 36" bi-fold door would be treated as 2 individual 18" wide doors.

of openings
of Individual Door
of Door
of Door
Ex. 4 18  (see above) 80 6222 - Fixed 2.1/2" Louver over Tongue & Groove

Please enter only numbers in the spaces below.            Door designs shown below.


Door Designs

Closet door with fixed 2.1/2" Plantation louvers Closet door with fixed 1.7/8" Traditional louvers Closet door with fixed 2.1/2" Plantation louvers over a Colonial raised panel. Closet door with fixed 1.7/8" Traditional louvers over a Colonial raised panel. Closet door with Colonial raised panel. Closet door with opening for fabric over fixed 2.1/2" Plantation louvers. Closet door with opening for fabric over fixed 1.7/8" Traditional louvers. Closet door with opening for fabric over bead board.


   6221    6232    6231    6330    6022    6021    6070    6162    6161


Special Instructions:


How would you like to pay for your order?
(This form is submitted over our secured server for your safety)

Check or Money Order

visa-b.gif (1087 bytes)     mc-b.gif (1147 bytes)     amex-b.gif (802 bytes)     disc-b.gif (1873 bytes)

What is your card number?

What is the expiration date?

Please enter the name exactly as it appears on the credit card:


What will happen when I place my order?
  1. After clicking on this button your order will be immediately placed through our secured server. 

  2. You will then be automatically redirected to our Thank You page and from there you can go back into the non-secured sections of our web site. 

  3. A confirmation of your order will be emailed within 2 business days.  You will need to review, sign and return your confirmation so we can fully process your order.

  4. When we receive your signed confirmation we will charge your card a 50% deposit with the balance charged at the time we ship your doors.

By submitting this form you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of sale for  

required  Yes, I Agree        No, I do not agree


You will receive an email message within two business days confirming the order of your closet doors.
Thank you for your order!

SPAM BLOCKERS : If you use a spam blocker please make sure to check your spam folder if you do not see your confirmation email within 2 business days.


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Kestrel Shutters & Doors, #9 East Race Street, Stowe, Pennsylvania 19464 USA

800.494.4321  or  610.326.6679          FAX  610.326.6779

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Copyright 1989 to 2007     Kestrel Shutters & Doors, Inc.     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED